Sirana SpamCenter is a end-user solution for spam management. It's used in conjunction with the Microsoft Intelligent Message Filter for Exchange.
With Sirana SpamCenter, messages that are identified as spam by the Exchange message filter are automatically added to a database, eliminating spam message buildup on the Exchange server. Once they are added to the database, users can securely browse their quarantined messages through a web interface. They can release messages that were blocked in error, eliminating the need for manual intervention by administrators. Users can also build Personal Safe Sender lists and Blocked Sender lists to manage their quarantines automatically.
Administrators benefit by placing the management of user spam quarantines in the hands of the users, reducing the cost of implementing an anti-spam system. But administrators remain in control by setting policies about how users can interact with the system. Administrators can also view reports that show system activity, allowing them to optimize spam blocking settings.